Dig Your AGO Chapter Out of the Ditch

Dig Your AGO Chapter Out of the Ditch


Learn specific actions and activities that help revitalize AGO chapters, including successful recruitment strategies and ideas on how to assure regular attendance and participation in chapter activities. Other topics include ways to “reinvent” one’s chapter, how to create value for members through energized activities, and how to implement a leadership model that creates better opportunities for fellowship. The clinicians have prepared scenarios with interaction that leads to positive outcomes with interpersonal communication, alleviating situations apparent in many chapters today. Workshop participants are invited to share their own chapter concerns for discussion.

David Lamb

David Lamb

David Kevin Lamb is a graduate of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, where he studied organ with Oswald Ragatz and Marilyn Keiser. He is currently an adjunct instructor of music at Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus. Serving as the director of music since 2003 and organist since 1996 for the First United Methodist Church in Columbus, he has presented guest organ recitals in twenty-seven of the United States. Concert engagements in Europe have included performances in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, and France. As a volunteer on the Jacobs School of Music Alumni Board at Indiana University, he was the founder and the first president of the Indiana Organists United, an alumni affiliate of the Jacobs School of Music Alumni Association. He was elected in 2012 to serve as the American Guild of Organists councillor for the Great Lakes region.