Voluntaries Rediscovered

Voluntaries Rediscovered


Much glorious repertoire has gone “out of fashion” over the years, but a current renewal of interest in voluntaries, particularly from the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century English school reveals repertoire that is both beautiful and relevant today. This workshop offers suggestions for preludes and postludes, drawn from a wide spectrum of the standard repertoire, that may have been forgotten over the latter half of the twentieth century.

Andrew Scanlon

Andrew Scanlon

Andrew Scanlon, FAGO, is an organ professor at East Carolina University. He is organist-choirmaster at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Greenville, and artistic director of the East Carolina Musical Arts Education Foundation. He previously taught organ at Duquesne University, and has held positions at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Buffalo; Christ & St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, New York; and Marquand Chapel at Yale Divinity School. He has performed at national conventions of both the American Guild of Organists and Organ Historical Society, and throughout the United States and in Canada, England, Italy, France, Germany, and Croatia. He has been a faculty member for three Pipe Organ Encounters, and serves on both the National Board of Examiners and the National Committee on Professional Certification of the Guild. He holds degrees from Duquesne University and Yale University. His principal teachers have been John Skelton, Ann Labounsky, David Craighead, John Walker, and Thomas Murray.