Jonathan Wessler

Jonathan Wessler serves as the Assistant Organist at St. Paul’s Church and Choir School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His duties include accompanying the famous Choir of Boys and Men at Mass, teaching music theory and handbells in the Choir School, and directing the St. Paul Parish Choir and the Schola Cantorum. In 2011 he received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance from the Eastman School of Music. He previously earned the Bachelor of Music degree in organ performance from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the Master of Sacred Music degree from the University of Notre Dame. He has studied with Sherry Seckler, Christiaan Teeuwsen, David Boe, Craig Cramer, and William Porter. In addition, he has performed in master classes for Marie-Louise Langlais, Daniel Roth, Olivier Latry, Michel Bouvard, Hans Fagius, and Jon Laukvik. Jonathan holds the Colleague certificate from the American Guild of Organists and was a finalist in the 2007 Arthur Poister Organ Competition. He has served as the principal continuo player for the Peoria Bach Festival in Peoria, Illinois, where he also has been a featured performer on the organ and the harpsichord. Jonathan is a six-year alumnus of the acclaimed Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. He lives in Quincy with his wife, Joy, and their children, Julia and Matthew.