Passages: Tools for Finding Your Way Through Conflicts

Passages: Tools for Finding Your Way Through Conflicts


Degreed church musicians are academically and artistically trained to serve as worship leaders. In many cases, they do not command the same respect, status, authority or support as ordained ministers. Consequently, church musicians are vulnerable when conflict situations occur.  Whether we like to admit it or not, our competitive natures affect our ability to respect each other, leaving ordained and music ministers vulnerable to painful, or abusive conflict situations.

This workshop focuses on conflict resolution. Topics include: A scriptural basis for conflict resolution; Mediation; Contemplative practices; Making your position understood; Setting boundaries; Cross relationships and Healing, or reconciling broken relationships.

Tamara Albrecht

Tamara Albrecht

Tamara Makdad Albrecht serves Emory University as adjunct professor of music history, university worship organist and choirmaster, church music graduate colloquia presenter, and organ and harpsichord instructor. She holds bachelor’s degrees in music and music education from Wittenberg University, a Master of Music from Northwestern University, and a Doctorate of Worship Studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute of Worship Studies in Jacksonville, Florida. She is a registered mediator in Georgia, which compliments her workshops: Developing Conflict Resolution Tools, for music and ordained ministers and laypeople; Developing Children’s Choirs; and Training Classroom Teachers To Implement Music as an Academic Skill-Building Tool. Her one-hundred-fifty-page children’s choir resource book, Singing Through the Church Year, published by Morningstar Music, includes original compositions with built-in opportunities to incorporate conflict resolution life-skills into each season of the liturgical year.