Celebrate! Sounds of the Pipe Organ

Copley Place Mall

Center Court

Sunday 12:00 Noon – 6:00PM

Monday – Friday 10:00AM – 7:00PM

Join us in Center Court, Copley Place Mall for an exhibit of celebrating the Pipe Organ.  This community outreach program during the Convention is open to the public.

Come visit the display where teachers will assist you with hands-on learning about the pipe organ.

There are also activity pages for students that help them remember various parts of the instrument. See if you can find the terms in the word search or match and unscramble the words.

Sound waves are integral to the production for how the pipe organ speaks. Come see a demonstration of how sound waves are created.

Would you like to make a pipe sound? There are pipes for you to try out to hear the different sounds that each pipe makes.

Kotzschmar, Jr.

Kotzschmar, Jr.

Featured in Center Court is the Kotzscmar, Jr. organ – a working, portable demonstration organ build by David E. Wallace Co., Pipe Organ Builders of Gorham, Maine. It was commissioned by the Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ Board to be the center of activity for ‘Kotzschmar 4 Kids’, the in-school education programs about the pipe organ. The bellow feeding wind to the organ can be hand pumped or powered by an electric blower. Plexiglass panels enclose the organ for making it easy to watch the internal workings of a pipe organ. It one, 3-octave manual keyboard; a 27-note pedal keyboard; five stops; 149 pipes.

The organ has several unique and unusual pieces of history built into it:

  • Four of the ranks of pipes, the pedal board, bench and keyboard are from older instruments;
  • Some of the pipes, made in Boston, date from the 1850’s;
  • One large pipe has signatures of people who visited the previous owner at his home.